
"As you take the normal opportunities of your daily life and create something of beauty and helpfulness,
you improve not only the world around you but also the world within you"

Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

{Darling} Play Kitchen!!

From this:
 To this!

Ok...THIS is what I want to make for my little girl for Christmas!  This play kitchen is from The Land of the Oz Fam...and I LOVE IT!!  We don't have a ton of room for a huge entertainment center this end table kitchen is perfect!
You can check out more info on this FaBuLouS project here!

Katie Oz...thanks so much for sharing!



  1. wow! Thanks for the feature, Stacie! Glad you found Claire's little kitchen so inspiring! I'm in the middle of making (read: procrastinating) another one for my friend's daughter's birthday :)

  2. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [02 Dec 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  3. If you're interested, I just made another one :)


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